What is a Deinfluencer?

4 min read
Dec 14, 2023 3:27:20 PM

Influencers have become a huge part of marketing and pop culture. From Instagram to TikTok, photogenic content creators promote the latest fashion trends, beauty products, travel destinations, and fitness regimens. Brands partner with influencers to market their products and services to the influencers' millions of devoted followers.

However, a new type of influencer has recently emerged to offer a different perspective: the deinfluencer.

Deinfluencers are changing the game by encouraging their followers to avoid overconsumption and reconsider expensive, overhyped products. As a health and wellness professional, it’s important to understand this rising trend and how it could impact your own social media presence and brand collaborations.

In this post, we’ll break down exactly what deinfluencing is, how it’s affecting marketing, and why it matters. We’ll also highlight some of the most popular deinfluencers to follow on TikTok and answer common questions about the deinfluencing movement.

By the end, you’ll have a complete understanding of this trend so you can determine how to best leverage it as a professional in the wellness space.

What is a Deinfluencer?

A deinfluencer is someone who uses their social media platform to discourage followers from buying certain products. Rather than promoting items like typical influencers, deinfluencers share honest reviews and advise against purchases they believe to be:

  • Overpriced
  • Low quality
  • Unethically made
  • Harmful to the environment
  • Generally overhyped

The goal is to empower followers to make informed choices, rather than buy into trends just because an influencer promotes them. Deinfluencers offer transparency about potential issues with popular products.

This trend emerged as a response to growing disillusionment with endless influencer promotions and product hauls. Followers crave more authenticity about which products are worth the investment. Deinfluencers fill this need by providing balanced opinions—not just positivity.

How Does Deinfluencing Impact Marketing?

The rise of deinfluencing has definite implications for marketing strategies. From heightened consumer skepticism to greater demands for ethics, influencer marketing needs to evolve in order to succeed. 

The deinfluencer trend also presents some unique opportunities, too. When done properly, this trend can help brands build credibility and trust with consumers seeking transparency. 

For instance, the increased desire for authenticity means there's an opening for evidence-based, authentic influencer content instead of just aspirational hype. Deinfluencing also gives buyers a stronger voice by demanding more honest reviews before making purchases. Brands must meet this expectation rather than relying on influencer hype.

When (de)influencers share honest opinions, it sparks more dialogue and engagement on both sides. Brands can be part of these conversations.

Plus, a focus on quality over quantity and loyal followers over hard sells builds brand reputation over time. Patience is required.

Savvy brands will adapt to this shift by collaborating with deinfluencers, inviting objective feedback, disclosing paid partnerships, and highlighting value over trends.

How to Make Deinfluencing Work for You and Your Product Recommendations

Here are some tips on leveraging the deinfluencing movement as a health and fitness expert:

  • Spotlight product safety and effectiveness. Provide research, testing results, and user reviews that reinforce quality and performance. Transparency is key.
  • Discuss environmental impact. Showcase products from companies that use eco-friendly materials, sustainable manufacturing practices, and low-waste packaging.
  • Welcome feedback. Ask your audience for objective reviews and take critiques seriously.
  • Offer affordable options. Deinfluencers often suggest cheaper alternatives to overpriced products. Make sure to have competitive budget-friendly items in your roster of product recommendations.
  • Partner responsibly. Vet potential brand partnerships thoroughly and disclose sponsored content. Seek out aligned companies that share similar values to partner with. 

The deinfluencing movement provides an opportunity to build consumer trust and shape your reputation as a purpose-driven health and wellness expert. 

3 Popular Deinfluencers on TikTok

If you want to learn first-hand from successful deinfluencers, check out these top names on TikTok:


Paige Pritchard is a former shopping addict who candidly shares her struggles with overconsumption and how she overcame excessive spending habits. She offers tips on needs vs. wants, living sustainably, and thinking critically about TikTok lifestyles. 


Michelle Skidelsky’s popular deinfluencing videos push back against overconsumption and spending beyond your means. From fancy Starbucks drinks to clothing hauls, she cuts through the noise by advising her followers what not to purchase. 


Jess Clifton is an advocate for sustainability and simplicity. She’s gained popularity (and followers) for her honest takes on living a more low-impact lifestyle—and having fun while doing it. 

Check out their accounts for inspiration for creating your own deinfluencing content as a health and wellness pro!

FAQs About Deinfluencing

Is deinfluencing the same as influencing?

Deinfluencing and influencing both aim to sway audience opinions and purchases. However, deinfluencing focuses on discouraging certain purchases by revealing downsides versus only promoting products positively. 

What is the deinfluencing trend on TikTok?

On TikTok, the #deinfluencing hashtag has amassed over 200 million views. Creators make videos advising against buying products they consider overpriced, low quality, unethical, etc. Some even react negatively to their previous hauls or recommendations.

Can deinfluencing really change spending habits?

Promoting more conscious consumption over reactive purchasing can potentially shift attitudes, especially for more impressionable audiences. But real change requires addressing the root causes driving overspending.

Aren't deinfluencers just looking for attention, too?

Some may jump on the trend just for views, but many deinfluencers genuinely want to encourage more mindful spending habits. The most successful deinfluencers focus on providing value beyond just criticism.

Is deinfluencing just bashing other influencers?

It's easy to mistake deinfluencing as an attack on the influencer industry. But done right, it's about constructive discussion about consumer habits—not just insulting other creators.

Will deinfluencing last or is it a passing fad?

The sustainability concerns and backlash against overconsumption driving deinfluencing aren't likely to disappear any time soon. Brands must adapt to more conscious Gen Z consumers. But we can expect pushback from major players losing sales.

Monetize Your Influence—Authentically

The deinfluencer movement provides a chance to redefine influencer marketing by bringing more authenticity and value to followers. As a health and wellness professional, you can leverage this trend to build trust, showcase your ethics, spark meaningful discussions, and highlight quality over quantity when it comes to the products you recommend.

Here at WRKOUT, we make it easy for pros like you to earn cash rewards by recommending your favorite products through our platform. You don’t need to be a social media influencer with millions of followers to take advantage—simply share your trusted brand picks with your clients and network. When they buy through your custom link, you earn cash rewards at no extra cost to them.

Deinfluencing reminds us that marketing ultimately succeeds by providing real value to consumers. Our goal is to help you monetize your influence in an authentic way. Get started today!


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