5 Places to Share Your Recommendation Links in ABC Trainerize

3 min read
Apr 1, 2024 2:37:25 PM

If you’re a personal trainer using ABC Trainerize, you know you have a powerful tool at your disposal to enhance your clients' fitness journey. And now with the introduction of TZ Storefront powered by WRKOUT, you now have access to a wide array of fitness products and supplements that you can recommend to your clients. But, knowing where to place these recommendations within your training process can significantly impact their effectiveness.

In this blog post, we'll explore the various places you can incorporate TZ Storefront recommendations within ABC Trainerize to optimize your revenue streams and enhance your clients' experience.

What is TZ Storefront?

First, TZ Storefront is a revolutionary platform powered by WRKOUT that allows personal trainers to recommend and sell fitness products and supplements directly to their clients. Ultimately, it streamlines the process of product recommendation and purchase, providing trainers like yourself with a seamless way to a curated selection of industry-leading brands and products, all in one convenient location.

5 Places to put TZ Storefront recommendations in ABC Trainerize

Now that you know more about TZ Storefront, let’s explore 5 places to put your recommendations within the ABC Trainerize App.

1. Custom workbooks

First, custom workbooks are a valuable resource that many personal trainers provide to their clients as part of their training programs. By integrating TZ Storefront recommendations into these workbooks, it allows you to seamlessly incorporate product suggestions alongside workout routines and nutrition plans.

So, whether it's recommending protein supplements, workout equipment, or recovery aids, custom workbooks provide a tangible platform for showcasing TZ Storefront products.

2. In-app messaging

Secondly, in-app messaging within ABC Trainerize is a direct and personalized way to communicate with your clients. For example, you can leverage this feature to send targeted recommendations for products available on TZ Storefront.

So, whether it's introducing a new pre-workout supplement or highlighting a limited-time promotion on fitness gear, in-app messaging allows you to reach your clients directly and encourage them to explore and purchase recommended products.

3. Fitness library

Next, the fitness library in ABC Trainerize acts as a hub of valuable resources for your clients, including workout plans, exercise tutorials, and nutrition guides.

Therefore, by integrating TZ Storefront recommendations into the fitness library, it allows you to provide additional value to your clients by recommending products that complement their training programs. From foam rollers to resistance bands, incorporating product links directly into workout routines enhances the overall client experience and encourages them to invest in their fitness journey.

4. Email newsletters

Additionally, email newsletters are a powerful marketing tool for personal trainers to engage with their clients outside of the app. By including TZ Storefront recommendations in your newsletters, you can provide valuable insights and exclusive deals on fitness products directly to your clients' inbox.

So, whether it's featuring a product of the month or offering discounts on select items, email newsletters are an effective way to drive traffic to TZ Storefront and increase sales.

5. Onboarding materials

Lastly, incorporating TZ Storefront recommendations into your onboarding materials for new clients is a strategic way to introduce them to the range of products available.

So, whether it's including a welcome letter with recommended supplements or providing a welcome package that includes samples of fitness gear, integrating TZ Storefront recommendations into your onboarding process sets the stage for future product purchases and establishes the value of these recommendations from the start.

The benefits of adding links to TZ Storefront in your process


There are many benefits to adding links to TZ Storefront within the ABC Traonerize app. Here are just a few: 

Additional revenue streams

First, by integrating TZ Storefront recommendations into your training process, you open up new revenue streams beyond session fees. After all, every product purchased through your recommendation link earns you a commission, allowing you to monetize your expertise and enhance your earning potential.

Enhanced client experience

Next, recommending products from TZ Storefront enhances the overall client experience by providing them with access to high-quality fitness products that complement their training programs. By offering personalized recommendations, you demonstrate your commitment to their success and strengthen your client-trainer relationship.

Lastly, integrating TZ Storefront recommendations into your training process in ABC Trainerize offers numerous benefits for both you and your clients. By leveraging the power of TZ Storefront, you can enhance your revenue streams, provide additional value to your clients, and strengthen your position as a trusted fitness expert. We're excited about this partnership and the opportunities it brings for personal trainers to elevate their business and achieve greater success.

TZ Storefront is exclusively available for ABC Trainerize Payments subscribers in the USA and Canada. Read more here.