Making Money with ABC Trainerize and WRKOUT

3 min read
Apr 1, 2024 1:55:03 PM

In the dynamic world of personal training, finding new innovative ways to boost income (while continuing to deliver value to clients) is always a top priority. That's why we're excited to unveil TZ Storefront powered by WRKOUT—a game-changer in the realm of fitness affiliate marketing. 

What is TZ Storefront?

First, TZ Storefront isn’t just another affiliate marketing platform; it's a strategic collaboration between ABC Trainerize and WRKOUT designed to empower fitness professionals like you. Think of it as the bridge between recommending products you believe in and earning tangible rewards for your expertise.

And, with an extensive catalog featuring top-notch brands and over 1000 products curated specifically for the fitness industry, TZ Storefront streamlines the process of product recommendation and monetization.

Why TZ Storefront?

Here’s why TZ Storefront is a great option for ABC Trainerize users:

1. Earn cash rewards

First, with TZ Storefront, your recommendations translate directly into cash rewards. Meaning, every time a client makes a purchase through your recommendation link, you earn a commission. It's a win-win situation where your clients benefit from your expertise, and you reap the financial rewards.

2. Help clients access the best products

Secondly, as a personal trainer, your reputation hinges on the quality of the products you recommend. Therefore, TZ Storefront ensures that you have access to a curated selection of industry-leading brands, making it easier for you to guide your clients towards the best-suited products for their fitness journey.

Additionally, by facilitating seamless transactions and reliable delivery, TZ Storefront enhances the overall client experience.

3. Earn commissions on recommended products

Lastly, what sets TZ Storefront apart is its ability to monetize the recommendations you're already making. So, whether it's supplements, equipment, or apparel, every product you endorse can now become a potential revenue stream. By leveraging your existing client base and social presence, you can turn your passion for fitness into a lucrative income stream.

How to promote TZ Storefront to clients

There are many ways to promote TZ Storefront to clients. Here are some of our top recommendations:

1. Social media integration

Social media is a powerful tool for engaging with your audience and promoting products. Here's how you can effectively integrate TZ Storefront into your social media strategy:

Create engaging posts

First, share engaging posts that showcase your favorite products available on TZ Storefront. For example, you could create before-and-after photos of clients using recommended supplements or demonstrate the effectiveness of workout equipment in short videos.

Utilize stories and highlights

Secondly, utilize Instagram and Facebook Stories to provide quick snapshots of recommended products, along with swipe-up links for easy access. Additionally, create Highlights on your profile dedicated to product recommendations, making it easy for followers to explore your endorsed products.

Offer exclusive deals

Next, encourage engagement by offering exclusive deals or discounts on products available through TZ Storefront. For example, host giveaways or contests where participants can win products from your recommendations, thereby increasing interest and driving traffic to your affiliate links.

2. Include TZ Storefront in your newsletter

Additionally, newsletters are a direct and effective way to communicate with your client base. Here's how you can leverage newsletters to promote TZ Storefront:

Feature product spotlights

First, dedicate sections of your newsletter to spotlighting specific products available on TZ Storefront. For example, provide detailed descriptions, benefits, and your personal recommendations to entice readers to make a purchase.

Share success stories

Next, include success stories from clients who have benefited from using products recommended through TZ Storefront. Personal testimonials add credibility and encourage readers to trust your recommendations.

Include call-to-action buttons

Lastly, incorporate call-to-action buttons or links throughout your newsletter, directing readers to explore the products mentioned. Make it easy for them to access the products and make a purchase directly from the newsletter.

3. Video integration

Finally, videos are engaging and offer a dynamic way to showcase products and recommendations. Here's how you can integrate TZ Storefront into your video content:

Product review videos

First, create in-depth product review videos where you showcase and discuss the features and benefits of products available on TZ Storefront. Next, share your personal experiences and recommendations to help viewers make informed purchasing decisions.

Workout tutorial incorporation

Next, integrate product recommendations seamlessly into your workout tutorial videos. For example, if you're demonstrating a home workout routine, recommend specific equipment or accessories available on TZ Storefront that can enhance the workout experience.

Collaborate with influencers

Finally, partner with fitness influencers or fellow trainers to create collaborative videos promoting products from TZ Storefront. Collaborative content increases reach and credibility, exposing your recommendations to a wider audience.

By incorporating these strategies into your promotional efforts, you can effectively leverage TZ Storefront to monetize your expertise and provide value to your clients while earning passive income.

TZ Storefront is exclusively available for ABC Trainerize Payments subscribers in the USA and Canada. Read more here.